Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Oh the Places You Will Go

D- These are cool !
A- At times when the "bell don't work" and you have to call out your stop, make sure you know what your ending stop. Unfortunately, bus schedules are inscrutable during those spur of the moment trips, but getting on the wrong bus can result in hour long rides around the city putting you in an unfavorable location.
Y- Yes, you want to pack light on trip but don't forget the essential. A bag big enough to hold your wallet, ID, lipgloss etc and that fits your style is ideal for anyone's daytrip. check out these totes:
T- The goal of taking a spontaneous day-trip is to tour someplace new. Sit down with your friends and name some local places you've always wanted to visit but never have.
Make it different by taking a new route or a different method of transportation.
R- Once you buy a new swimsuit, you must go show it off. This is the perfect opportunity to plan a trip to the beach.
I- “If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."-Lewis Carroll, Author of Alice in Wonderland.
P- Pay attention to the characters you encounter on your travels. They may complain loudly about their lives and mumble to themselves questionably. Though what they say may not be relevant, it can be quite entertaining. If you sense that the people in front of you are talking about something interesting, casualy pause your iPod, keeping your headphones in, and listen in. Try not to make too much of a scene as you attempt to hold in your giggles.

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